Career Coaching

Career Transition Coaching

I offer invaluable support and guidance to individuals navigating a shift in their professional journey.

Expertly tailored coaching programmes will provide the tools and strategies required to effectively manage career changes, whether arising from redundancy or pursuit of new challenges.

Focused one to one sessions will:

  • Help crystalise career goals

  • Develop a strategic plan of action

  • Perfect your CV and optimise your LinkedIn profile

  • Enhance interviewing and networking skills

  • Build confidence and motivation

Mid-Life Career Transition Coaching

With a special interest in mid-life career transition, I have conducted extensive research culminating in my Masters dissertation.

This highly specialised coaching empowers midlifers to make informed decisions, embrace new opportunities and successfully transition into a new role or opportunity. I offer 1:1 coaching in this area as well as a highly engaging workshop.

Outplacement Support

I provide exceptional support for organisations exiting one or more employees. My range of services include career coaching, CV writing, job search assistance, interview preparation and networking opportunities.

The ultimate goal of outplacement support is to ease the transition for affected employees, helping them quickly and effectively find new employment oportunities that align with their skills and career aspirations. It not only benefits the departing employee but also helps maintain morale among remaining staff.

Invest in career coaching today to find your new path

“Catherine is an exceptional Career Coach. Her insightful guidance helped me unravel my strengths and articulate clear goals. She possesses a unique ability to foster self-discovery, steering individuals towards meaningful career paths..”

Have You Been Made Redundant Or Feeling Stuck In Your Current Role?

  • Do you aspire to change industries but overwhelmed by the process?

  • Have you identified your transferable skills but need to leverage them?

  • Are you lacking confidence in moving to a new sector?

  • Are you considering a complete change of direction?

What’s Included

  • Self Discovery

    Deep exploration of your values, strengths and motivations

  • Career Paths & Planning

    Review of your options and construction of an action plan to lead you to you career goals

  • Practical Tools

    Expert guidance on your CV, LinkedIn profie and covering letters

  • Interview Technique

    Perfection of interview skills and confidence boosting in a relaxed environment before embarking on the real thing.

  • Set Up For Success

    Support with negotiating offers to establishing you first 90 day plan